2022-23 Graduate Academic Catalog

Page 88 2022–23 Graduate Academic Catalog Graduate-Level Course Descriptions ACCT-6300 – ATRN-6660 A Accounting (ACCT) ACCT-6300 Accounting for Business Executives 3 hours Accounting serves the needs of both external and internal decision-makers as they assess, measure, communicate, evaluate, and change the financial position of an organization. We will discuss the theory and skills needed to interpret basic financial statements, considering a variety of standards, including GAAP, the AICPA and IMA codes of ethics, SEC requirements, and governmental requirements and how they align with the conceptual framework of accounting theory. We will also discuss cost behavior, costing systems, budgeting and variance analysis to support operational decision-making and the balanced scorecard to support strategic decision-making. Prerequisites: undergraduate course or equivalent competency in Accounting I (Financial) and Accounting II (Managerial). ACCT-7110 Taxation for Business Entities 3 hours An examination of the tax provisions governing C Corps, S Corps, partnerships, and estates. Analyzes international and multi-state taxation of corporations. (dual-listed with ACCT-4210 Taxation of Business Entities) Prerequisite: ACCT-2120 Principles of Accounting II. ACCT-7130 Advanced Financial Accounting 3 hours This course provides an introduction to the advanced accounting topics relating to consolidation of financial statements, accounting for partnerships, and foreign currency accounting. (dual-listed with ACCT-4130 Advanced Financial Accounting) Prerequisite: ACCT-3120 Intermediate Financial Accounting II. ACCT-7150 Government and Nonprofit Accounting 3 hours This course provides an introduction to accounting for state and local governments as identified by the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and accounting for nonprofit organizations according to standards issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). (dual-listed with ACCT-4150 Government and Nonprofit Accounting). Prerequisites: ACCT-2120 Principles of Accounting II or permission of instructor. ACCT-7170 Forensic Accounting 3 hours This course provides a solid foundation for building skills in forensic accounting techniques, including gathering, interpreting, and documenting evidence. Students examine the investigative techniques used by accountants to conduct forensic examinations as well as the common schemes and techniques used to commit fraud. The skills acquired in this course will enable students to assist businesses in detecting, investigating, documenting, and preventing fraud. This course also introduces the many professional opportunities available to forensic accountants. Prerequisites: ACCT-6300 Accounting for Business Executives or permission of instructor. Analytics (ANLT) ANLT-6200 Business Forecasting and Econometrics 3 hours This course will introduce the student to basic econometrics. The course focuses on the foundations of multiple regression analysis with cross-sectional and time series data. Topics will include serial correlation, heterokedasticity, and misspecification. Prerequisite: BUS-6100 Managerial Data Analysis. Prerequisite/ Corequisite: undergraduate economics course or equivalent competency. ANLT-6250 Data Mining for Business Analytics 3 hours This course will cover the techniques and topics that are widely used in real-world data mining projects including classification, clustering, dimension reduction, feature selection, open-ended knowledge discovery, and text mining. The course will emphasize the use of real-world data to apply data mining skills. Prerequisite: BUS-6100 Managerial Data Analysis. ANLT-6270 Data Warehousing and Visualization 3 hours This course will cover data warehousing, business intelligence, and dimensional modeling. This is a practical course where you will apply what you learn using a visualization tool such as Tableau directly to data sets specific to functional business interests in retail sales, inventory, procurement, CRM, accounting, and finance. Athletic Training (ATRN) ATRN-6350 3 hours Organization and Administration in Athletic Training This course discusses the management of the athletic training program and its facilities at all levels of support. Topics include budgets, policies, design, record keeping, and legal aspects of athletic training. ATRN-6450 Applied Human Anatomy 2 hours This course focuses on the structural anatomy of the human body and the interrelationships of structure, function, and human movement with specific emphasis on the body systems that have particular relevance to the practice of athletic training. This course will also allow the graduate student to have hands on exposure to cadaveric specimens, through the location and identification of bony and soft tissue landmarks as well as muscle origin and insertion, ligamentous and nervous tissue recognition. (Fee: $100) ATRN-6550 3 hours Fundamentals of Athletic Training Practice This eight-week module will serve as the introduction to professional practice fo first year students enrolled in the Entry Level Master's program. This will introduce professional behaviors and expectations for interaction with preceptors, physicians and patients. This will be the initial experience for students preparing to enter into the clinical practice of athletic training. Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Athletic Training program. ATRN-6560 Evaluation of Extremities 3 hours Comprehensive evaluation, management, and initial rehabilitation of athletic injuries involving both the lower and upper extremities of the human body. ATRN-6570 Head, Neck, and Spine Evaluation 3 hours The emphasis of this course will be the orthopedic evaluation of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral spine segments. Evaluation of the injuries and conditions that affect the spine based on detailed understanding of the regional anatomy, signs, symptoms, and biomechanics. ATRN-6600 Research in Athletic Training I 3 hours This course is designed to help students understand, implement, and initiate the research process. This evidencebased, practice-driven course will expose students to the research that exists and will challenge them to critically appraise the current trends in athletic healthcare. Students will also be required to discern between various research nomenclature and methodology. ATRN-6650 Therapeutic Exercise and Rehabilitation 3 hours Management of athletic injuries from subacute phase through return to sport/participation. Based on principles of biomechanics and physiology with emphasis on flexibility, strength, proprioception, endurance, and agility. ATRN-6660 Therapeutic Modalities 3 hours An overview of the modalities most commonly used in allied healthcare/sport medicine settings including thermal agents, electrical agents, and mechanical modalities.