2022-23 Graduate Academic Catalog

Page 92 2022–23 Graduate Academic Catalog Graduate-Level Course Descriptions BTBL-6610 – BTGS-6100 BTBL-6610 Elementary Hebrew 1 3 hours Introduction to the basic elements of biblical Hebrew. Attention is given to vocabulary, grammar, and the use of language tools (dual-listed with BTBL-3610 Biblical Hebrew Grammar and Syntax 1) BTBL-6620 Elementary Hebrew 2 3 hours Introduction to the basic elements of biblical Hebrew. Attention is given to vocabulary, grammar, and the use of language tools. Prerequisites: BTBL-6610 Elementary Hebrew 1 or permission of the instructor. (dual-listed with BTBL-3620 Biblical Hebrew Grammar and Syntax 2) BTBL-6630 Hebrew Syntax and Exegesis 3 hours Exegetical study of the Hebrew Bible, focusing on the grammatical and syntactical issues of specific passages. The course provides the opportunity for students to develop their own exegetical skills in working with the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and to grow in their ability to preach and teach expository messages on the Bible. Prerequisites: BTBL-6620 Elementary Hebrew 2 or permission of instructor. Bible and Theology — Biblical Studies (BTBS) BTBS-6010 Old Testament Overview 3 hours A graduate-level survey of the Old Testament, giving attention to the structure of each book, to the book's place in the canon, and to its biblical-theological contribution to the unified message of the Bible. This study provides introductory material on authorship, background, and interpretive challenges inherent to the Old Testament text. Students develop skills in reading and interpreting Scripture. BTBS-6015 New Testament Overview 3 hours A graduate-level survey of the New Testament, giving attention to the structure of each book, to the book's place in the canon, and to its biblical-theological contribution to the unified message of the Bible. This study provides introductory material on authorship, background, and interpretive challenges inherent to the New Testament text. Students continue to develop skills in reading and interpreting Scripture. Prerequisite: BTBS-6010 Old Testament Overview. BTBS-6020 Biblical Research Methods 0 hour The student will learn both how to conduct research and how to produce a research paper, the contents and style of which comply with generally accepted standards held by biblical scholars. In addition, the student will demonstrate these skills by producing a research paper that proposes the student’s plan for fulfilling the program’s senior-seminar capstone requirement. BTBS-6310 Hermeneutics 3 hours Detailed study of the theory and related practice of the roles of author, reader, and text toward the end of authoritative interpretation and contextualization of the Bible. (crosslisted with BTHT-6310 Hermeneutics) (dual-listed BTBS/BTHT-4310 Hermeneutics) BTBS-7900 Topics in Biblical Studies 1-3 hours Investigation of special topics in biblical studies, which have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. BTBS-7940 Thesis Research 2 hours Independent research on an approved topic under the supervision of a faculty member in a sub-field of biblical and theological studies. Students will prepare an original, extensive bibliographical report utilizing the resources of, but not limited to, Cedarville University’s Library pertaining to the general field and the specialization the student has chosen. Upon successful completion of the guided-research project, students will submit a thesis proposal for the approval of the faculty supervisor. Students will complete the approved thesis in BTBS-7950 Thesis Writing. BTBS-7950 Thesis Writing 1 hour Independent writing on an approved topic under the supervision of a faculty member in a sub-field of biblical and theological studies. Students will prepare a thesis on a viable research project, writing with originality, clarity, and force. Prerequisite: BTBS-7940 Thesis Research. Blble and Theology — Christian Ministry (BTCM) BTCM-6300 Teaching Ministry of the Church 3 hours Course focuses on the practice of expressing biblical and theological content in written documents and/or teaching curriculum for various audiences and settings. Attention is given to the variety of delivery methods for expositional teaching available within a church’s ministry. (crosslisted with BTAT-6300 Teaching Ministry of the Church) (dual-listed with BTAT/BTCM-4300 Teaching Ministry of the Church) BTCM-6410 Children’s Ministries 3 hours Principles from Scripture are examined to prepare a biblical philosophy of ministry to children in light of development characteristics and contemporary sociological factors. Students are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching the Bible and to develop effective age-appropriate, biblicallycentered ministry programs. (dual-listed with BTCM-3680 Children’s Ministries) BTCM-6420 Youth Ministries 3 hours Emphasis is placed on the interface of Bible and theology with understanding of youth culture, typical issues they face, and their implications for ministry to junior and senior high students in the church. Students will learn to identify key problems, understand key leadership principles, and implement organization of student ministry within the local church. A section of the course will be dedicated to building the skill of communicating to teenagers and their culture. (dual-listed with BTCM-3700 Campus Ministries) BTCM-6430 Adult Ministries 3 hours Principles from Scripture are examined to prepare a biblical philosophy of ministry to adults in light of developmental characteristics and contemporary sociological factors. Students are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching the Bible and developing effective age-appropriate, biblicallycentered ministry programs. (dual-listed with BTCM-3720 Adult Ministries) BTCM-6530 3 hours Contemporary Ministry to Women and Girls Study of women today who are impacting the Church and edifying the body of Christ through various ministry opportunities. The course also includes a survey of current and potential fulltime, part-time, and volunteer opportunities for women, concluding with the development of each student’s own “dream ministry.” (dual-listed with BTCM-3530 Contemporary Ministry to Women and Girls) Bible and Theology — Biblical Studies (BTGS) BTGS-6100 3 hours Biblical and Theological Foundations for Graduate Study This course provides a biblical foundation for students involved in graduate study at Cedarville University. Students will develop a theological framework for life, including academic disciplines and professional fields. Students will also apply this biblical-theological framework to professional and discipline-specific issues.