2022-23 Graduate Academic Catalog

2022–23 Graduate Academic Catalog Page 99 Graduate-Level Course Descriptions MPAS-6203 – MPAS-6305 MPAS-6301 Clinical Medicine II 7 hours Clinical Medicine is the core knowledge that PAs need to know to practice medicine. This third course of the Clinical Medicine series continues to introduce you to the common acute, chronic, and emergent disease topics organized by body systems and presented in separate modules. We focus this course on the disease processes with the Ears-Eyes-Nose-Throat (EENT), gastrointestinal, genitourinary, renal, hematologic, and infectious disease systems. We also continue the weekly case-based workshop that will help apply the knowledge you are learning across the curriculum. The cases this semester will focus on more complex and multi-system processes and multiple diagnoses. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the PA program. Successful completion of preceding courses in PA program. MPAS-6302 Clinical Skills and Interventions 3 hours The lecture and lab-based Clinical Skills and Interventions course will train and assess you in the process and technique of performing diagnostic and therapeutic interventions common in the PA scope of practice. You will also practice obtaining informed consent and providing patient education on the purpose, benefits, and risks of procedures. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the PA program. Successful completion of preceding courses in PA program. MPAS-6303 Laboratory and Diagnostic Testing III 2 hours The PA must know what tests are available, as well as their benefits, risks, and limitations. In this third sequential lecturebased course, Laboratory and Diagnostic Testing III will continue to teach the laboratory and imaging studies commonly used in primary care and how they are ordered, performed, reported, and interpreted for the Ears-Eyes-Nose-Throat (EENT), gastrointestinal, genitourinary, renal, hematologic, and infectious disease systems. The diagnostic testing knowledge gained in this course should be applied to clinical reasoning and patient cases in the Clinical Medicine workshops. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the PA program. Successful completion of preceding courses in PA MPAS-6304 3 hours Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics III Pharmacology is the study of medications and their effects on the human body and disease processes. The knowledge presented in this course will prepare students for appropriate administration/prescription of medications. The third course in the pharmacology sequence synthesizes the general principles of pharmacology taught in Pharmacology I and II. Where possible, Ears-Eyes-Nose-Throat (EENT), gastrointestinal, genitourinary, renal, hematologic, and infectious disease drug classes will be taught in parallel with topics covered in Clinical Medicine II. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the PA program. Successful completion of preceding courses in PA program. MPAS-6305 3 hours PA Profession and Healthcare Systems PAs serve as healthcare professionals within the US healthcare system. We need to know some basics about the healthcare systems in which we serve to understand the bigger picture and help our patients navigate through the system. We will explore key features of healthcare delivery, policy, and public health in the US. You will also learn basic concepts of patient safety, prevention of medical errors, risk management, and quality improvement within healthcare. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the PA program. Successful completion of preceding courses in PA program. MPAS-6203 Laboratory and Diagnostic Testing II 2 hours The PA must know what tests are available, as well as their benefits, risks, and limitations. In this second sequential lecturebased course, Laboratory and Diagnostic Testing II will continue to teach the laboratory, imaging, and diagnostic studies commonly used in primary care and how they are ordered, performed, reported, and interpreted for the psychiatry/behavioral sciences, cardiovascular, endocrine, pulmonary, and reproductive systems. The diagnostic testing knowledge gained in the course should be applied to clinical reasoning and patient cases in the Clinical Medicine workshops. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the PA program. Successful completion of preceding courses in PA program. MPAS-6204 3 hours Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics II Pharmocology is the study of medications and their effects on the human body and disease processes. The knowledge presented in this course will prepare students for appropriate administration/prescription of medications. Pharmacology II will continue to reinforce the principles of pharmacotherapeutics, and as the student's clinical knowledge grows, we will delve deeper into drug interactions and the rationale for choosing specific therapeutic agents. In concert with Clinical Medicine I, the drug classifications for psychiatry/behavioral sciences, cardiovascular, endocrine, pulmonary, and reproductive systems will be taught. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the PA program. Successful completion of preceding courses in PA program. MPAS-6205 Biomedical Ethics and Culture 3 hours This course introduces you to medical ethics in healthcare, with an emphasis on its historical underpinnings and its real world, practical application. The approach is based on normative ethics, allowing the Christian PA to function within the pluralistic arena of modern clinical practice. Specific ethical topics include reproductive ethics, shared decision-making, substance abuse and addiction, end-of-life ethics, and cultural diversity, as well as healthcare policy and law. Case studies will complement the ethical analysis of each topic. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the PA program. Successful completion of preceding courses in PA program. MPAS-6300 Medicine Across the Lifespan 2 hours PAs must be ready to provide compassionate and high-quality medical care to diverse patient populations of all ages. Through lecture and self-directed study, the Medicine Across the Lifespan course will fill in the gaps. We will explore health and disease across prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and elderly groups. You will learn the approach to prenatal care, pregnancy complications, and normal and complicated labor and delivery. After reviewing normal human development, you will learn the components and approach to the well-child examination and older adult assessment. We will also survey the common diseases and health issues of both pediatric and elderly patient populations, emphasizing unique communication skills and highlighting the social and behavioral aspects of care. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the PA program. Successful completion of preceding courses in PA program.