1953-1963 Report

Cedarville College ENDOWMENT FUNDS Regular Endowment Balance January 1, 1962 Receipts - 1962 Balance January 1, 1963 Receipts - January, 1963 Balance January 31, 1963 Capitalization of Income Anticipated Income from 80- Acre Farm Adjacent to Campus Capitalized For Endowment Purposes at 5o/o Capitalization of Church Support Budgeted Income from 161 Churches Capitalized For Endowment Purposes at 5o/o Total Endowment Funds $1,234.03 $1,765.80 $2,000.00 $41, 890. 78 ENDOWMENT $4, 072. 97 $5, 307. 00 $7,072.80 $40,000.00 $837, 815. 60 $884, 888.40