1968 Cedarville College Annual Report
J.nnual Investment [tubs You may not be able to gi\'e in terms of a commemorative room or other large memorial gift, but possibly you can take part in our Share Club Plan. This plan will allow each <lonor to select his or her appropriate <legree of participation. If the college is to reach its objecti\'e, every frien<l of Cedarville College must participate in a manner consistent with ability. The word "share" has deep meaning. It signifies the opposite uf "assess" or "tax." To be able to share something of yours with a person or an institution which you love an<l admire is no hardship - it is a privilege an<l a joy. Anyone who has the future welrare of Cedarville College on his heart should welcome the opportunity to share in its de– velopment. Churches, individuals, or organizations already giving regularly to the college will automatically be included as shareholders and receive the appropriate certificate. Also, donors participating in the memorial opportunities listed on the preceding pages will also receive the appropriate shareholders certificate. iJ lu..ttblj dniqJtaltd and rtf'O.fjlliztd 1111lltt<1dmi11iJ/ra/i<>11 of llu <f!Mlt(Jt aJ a .&"d.,,ft;p <~ltaultoldn in !lit etN1Jt1/1tt1ll proquJJ ~I tltiJ ilulifulinll. ::;.,,utd from fltdmoillt,i11 ll1t ,~/alt llf ()/,;o, t/1iJ dalf of , 19 . Leadership Shareholder An indiYidual, married couple, church, or organization contributing $1,000 or more to the college <luring the fiscal year is honored by mem– bership as a Lea<ler Share-hol<ler. Dedication Shareholder An individual, married couple, church, or organization contributing $500-$999 to the col– lege <luring the fiscal year is honored by mem– bership as a DecJication Shareholder. Loyalty Shareholder An incJi\'icJual, marriecJ couple, church, or organization contributing $100-$-+99 to the col– lege during the fiscal year is honorecJ by mem– bership as a Loyalty ShareholcJer. Honor To Whom Honor Is Due It is the <lesire of the college to show our appreciation to those who are shareholders in the college. Our gratitude will be ex– pressed in two ways: (I) A Alember.ih/p Certificate will be mailecJ to each share– holc.ler. This attractive parchment certifi– cate can be displayed in your church or home as a proucJ reminder to others that you are a shareholder in the college. (2) Our An1111al Repo/'t that will be pub– lished in the foll of 19(>9 will be listec.l by Share categories but without amounts. Donors qualifying to recei l'e certificates in 1968 are listed on the following pages.
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