1969 Cedarville College Annual Report

FINANCIAL GROWTH $5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2 ,000,000 1,000,000 1965 ...... ...... . ······ ...... , ...... ....... INCOME • DEBT ASSETS 1966 1967 1968 1969 The brief financia l perspective on these pages calls attention to the very substantial investment that is required to support Christian higher education. These are some of the realities that stand behind the determination to give priority to excellence in academic preparation and in spiritual formulation. Happily, it is a determination which has this year been shared by a number of churches, alumni, parents, corporations, and friends. We are confident that the number of investors and the amount of the invest– ment will grow each year. The numbers, however, are less important than the values that stand behind them. The clear evidence that the people of God are determined to give a high priority to the support of a Christian education is a solid foundation upon which to reaffirm our faith in the future of Christian education at Cedarville College.