1969-1970 Cedarville College Annual Report
Seldom is any worthwhile work done for the glory of God by the singular efforts of one individual. On the other hand, the combined contributions of many have resulted in the reaching of seemingly impossible goals in the realm of Chris– tian service. This is undoubtedly why the Apostle Paul, out of his own experience, reminded us that "we are laborers together with God" (I Corinthians 3: 9). Daily we are reminded that gratitude is due many friends of Cedarville College because they consistently stand with us m numerous ways in this Christian education program. Each of you is a vital part of the operation and expansion of this College. Because you are, I am certain that you will read with interest this specially-prepared report. Every effort is being made for a sound and efficient opera– tion in each department of this institution. Trustees, administra– tors, and faculty have spent many hours studying each facet of the program in an attempt to use the money entrusted to us to the best advantage. We cannot tolerate deficit spending and are determined to operate within the limitations of a care– fully-planned budget. The budget is limited by income from students and the gifts from our interested churches and friends. It has been our purpose to keep student expenses as low as possible, but this can be done only when contributions come from other sources. Capital improvements on the campus are made through specially designated contributions to the College. At the present time the major emphasis is upon a new science building. We beheve that this new and highly important facility will become a reality within the next three years through the blessmg of God and the cooperative effort of all who are interested m quality education at Cedarville College. As we face another year we do so believing that objectives entrusted to His keeping will be fulfilled. He has challenged us to "commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass" (Psalm 37:5). ns rg tm
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