1972 Cedarville College Annual Report
INVESTMENT CLUBS Investment Clubs are made available to individuals, mar– ried couples, churches, and organizations for selection of varying degrees of participation. If the college is to reach its objective, every friend of Cedarville College is encouraged to participate in a manner consistent with ability. The following Shareholder categories are available to donors. Each Shareholder automatically qualifies for the new Cedarville Associate program. The . Shareholder and Asso– ciate programs are for gifts received during the fiscal year period, July 1-June 30. The donor report on the following pages is for gifts received from July 1, 1971 through June 30, 1972. The word "share" has deep meaning. It signifies the opposite of "assess" or "tax." To be able to share something of yours with a person or an institution which you love and admire is no hardship-it is a privilege and a joy. Anyone who has the future welfare of Cedarville College on his heart should welcome the opportunity to share in its development. LEADERSHIP SHAREHOLDERS CHURCHES Riverside Baptist Church Decatur. Illinois Calvary Baptist Church Quincy, Illinois Bethesda Baptist Church Brownsburg, Indiana First Baptist Church Elkhart, Indi ana Immanuel Baptist Church Fort Wayne, Indiana First Baptist Church Mentone, Indiana Calvary Baptist Church St. Charles, Iowa Walnut Ridge Baptist Church Waterloo, Iowa INDIVIDUALS Mr. and Mrs. Myron E. Amstutz Toledo, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Harper Bickett* Xenia, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bresson Cedarville, Ohio Miss Merle A. Coulter Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn Euclid, Ohio BUSINESSES Jenkins and Associates Mclean, Virginia Miami Deposit Bank Yellow Springs, Ohio Calvary Baptist Church Covington, Kentucky Greenfield Baptist Church Detroit, Mii:higan South Baptist Church Flint, Michigan First Baptist Church Austin, Minnesota Haddon Heights Baptist Haddon Heights, N. J. Faith Baptist Church Amherst, Ohio Berea Baptist Church Berea, Ohio Grace Baptist Church Cedarville, Ohio Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Entner Dunkirk, Indiana Mr. and Mrs. James H. Goddard Portsmouth, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Morris Haskins Gallipolis, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Helmick Traverse City, Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Jenkins Mclean, Virginia Ohio Bell Telephone Xenia, Ohio SCM Corporation Cleveland, Ohio DEDICATION SHAREHOLDERS CHURCHES First Baptist Church Harvey, Illinois Faith Baptist Church Mattoon, Il linois Edgewood Baptist Church Anderson, Indiana Tri·Lakes Baptist Church Columbia City, Indiana Pleasant View Baptist Church Crawfordsvil le, Indiana Central Baptist Church Gary, Indiana Glen Park Baptist Church Gary, Indiana University Heights Baptist Church Indianapolis, Indiana Windsor Village Baptist Church Indianapolis, Indiana Faith Baptist Church Lafayette, Indiana First Baptist Church Mishawaka, Indiana Community Baptist Church South Bend, Indiana Grandview Park Baptist Church Des Moines, Iowa First Baptist Church Eldora, Iowa Westbrooke Baptist Church Overland Park, Kansas Calvary Baptist Church Cresaptown, Maryland Churches, individuals, or organizations already giving regularly to the college are automatically included as share– holders and have received the appropriate certificate. Also, donors participating in the memorial opportunities of the Science Center program will receive the appropriate shareholders certificate. LEADERSHIP SHAREHOLDER-$1,000 or more DEDICATION SHAREHOLDER-$500-$999 LOYALTY SHAREHOLDER-$100-$499 CEDARVILLE ASSOCIATE-$25 or more This program is designed to welcome friends and alumni back to campus by providing a membership card that gives the bearer the following campus benefits-free admission to home basketball games, free admission to Artist-Lecture series and major play productions. In addition there is a discount honored by Food Service for special events. Cedar Hill Baptist Church Cleveland Heights, Ohio Clintonvi lle Baptist Church Columbus, Ohio Immanuel Baptist Church Columbus, Ohio Maranatha Baptist Church Columbus, Ohio Memorial Baptist Church Columbus, Ohio First Baptist Church Elyria, Ohio Fostoria Baptist Church Fostoria, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. James R. Johnson* Cedarville, Ohio Dr. and Mrs. Russell G. Kennedy Butler, Pennsylvania Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis* Middletown, Ohio Mr. Robert Miter Cleveland, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Dale Murphy Waterloo, Iowa Tait Foundation Dayton, Ohio First Baptist Church Allegan, Michigan First Baptist Church Caro, Michigan Berean Baptist Church Detroit, Michigan First Baptist Church Fenton, Michigan Emmanuel Baptist Church Flint, Michigan Riverside Baptist Church Flint, Michigan Berean Baotist Church Grand Rapids, Michigan Cascades Baptist Church Jackson, Michigan Calvary Baptist Church Findlay, Ohio First Baptist Church Gallipolis, Ohio Grace Baptist Church Middletown, Ohio Northfield Baptist Church Northfield, Ohio Temple Baptist Church Portsmouth, Ohio Bible Mission Baptist Church Reynoldsburg, Ohio Emmanuel Baptist Church Toledo, Ohio Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Smith Lowell, Indiana Mrs. Elizabeth Stout Sherervi lie, Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Thompson Phoenix, Arizona Mr. Leonard Van Wingerden Oberlin, Ohio Mrs. Alberta Woolhouse Lakewood, Ohio Bethel Baptist Church Kalamazoo, Michigan Calvary Baptist Church Midland, Michigan Evangel Baptist Church Taylor, Michigan First Baptist Church Rochester, Michigan Calvary Baptist Church Ypsilanti, Michigan *Alumni First Baptist Church Hackensack, New Jersey Calvary Independent Baptist Church Buffalo, New York Bible Baptist Church Cortland, New York
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