1973 Cedarville College Annual Report

DR. JAMES T. JEREMIAH PRESIDENT ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Dr. Clifford W. Johnson, Academic Dean Mr. Donald W. Rickard, Dean of Students Mr. Kenneth H. St. Clair, Business Manager Mr. Lee C. Turner, Director of Development THE YEAR AT A GLANCE During the past year Cedarville College has experienced en– couraging advancement in the spiritual., academic, and material areas of its program. This progress has been made possible in great measure by the gifts of interested churches and frienc!s of the College. The President's Annual Report is being sent to our entire mailing list as one way of expressing our appreciation to all who have had a part in making Cedarvill e what it is today. It is our hope, too, th at the fe llowing pages w ill motivate others to invest in the lives of young people who have chosen or will select Cedarville College as an instru– ment in God's hands to aid in their goals of Christian education. Through the years we have emphasized the importance of the Christian Iife and service. As never before we have w itnessed the evidence of spiritual growth and influence on the part of the College family. In add ition to the usual types of Christian service, forty-two students, eight alumni and faculty have served this summer in the Missionary Internship Service in eight foreign countries. One team serving in Brazil held seventy services in twenty-eight days. They reported forty-eight first time decisions for Christ. The sum– mer ministry also included a basketball-evangelism tour of the Philippines and other Far Eastern countries. The Swordbearers, a gospel team of elev~n students, have had an encouraging response in the churches and youth con– ferences this summer where they have challenged teenagers and adu lts a!ike. Some of the Cross Country for Christ men have served in churches whi le others on the team were in a continual "run" from Portland, Oregon, to Portland, Maine. The program has been so scheduled that they alternate in the preaching and running responsibilities. Academically the College has also made encouraging pro– gress. In March of 1972 the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools granted Cedarville candidate status in our program toward regional accreditation. Recently the American Association of College Registrars and Ad– missions Officers granted the College an "A" rating thus giving the students better transfer credit when it is needed . New courses have been added to the curriculum that revea l further advances in the academic program. New major fields of study as a part of the interdisciplinary program include Behavioral Science (Psychology and Sociology); Communi– cations (Engl ish, Speech and Journalism). In the future, courses w ill be offered w ith an emphasis on Missions, the Christian Day School, and Medica l Technology. A number of physical improvements are being made on campus. Additional paved parking space and drive ways are being provided this summer. The Science Center as originally planned is nearing completion. However, we have discovered that the basement of this new building can be developed into biological laboratories. Though this will cost an ad– ditional $75,000 it w ill provide up-to-date facilities for Biology and make it possible to use the old Science bu ilding for much needed class rooms and offices. This addition to the Science Center leaves $165,000 yet to be realzed toward the total cost of $750,000. One of the most encouraging aspects of the College from the financial point of v'iew has been the response to the "Passing the Torch" campaign. Many churches and individuals have pledged $10 a month or more to the General Fund and have in this manner subsidized the educational costs of the student. We set a goal of 800 units of $10 each month. At this point in the program 525 have pledged financial support to the College in this w ay. We trust that 275 add itional fr iends will respond before November and that the entire 800 w ill continue this commitment during the coming year. Jt js very difficult to describe the many exciting things that are taking place on the Cedarville College campus. The best way for you to understand what is really happen– ing is to visit the College and observe first hand the spiritual, academic, and material progress of the institution.