1979-1980 Cedarville College Annual Report

3. Ten add iti onal classrooms : Classroom utilization has reached the saturation point despite the addition of four classrooms during the past year. These new classrooms in the Athletic/Academic Complex will greatly ease the squeeze on the classroom space. 4. Faculty offices: Coordinated office space for three departments-Physical Education, Psychology, and Education-will be provided. A total of sixteen offices will become available. 5. Improved athletic facilities: Three basketball courts (two convert to volleyball or indoor tennis use), a one-tenth-mile track, and facilities to hold indoor track meets will benefit the intercollegiate and intramural sports programs as well as physical edu– cation classes. Also, three racquetball courts, a weightlifting room, and spectator seating (up to 4,000) will be available . The complex is approximately 20% completed and gifts and commitments total approx imately $800,000. Currently, we are act ively seeking the support for this project from various resources. Fri ends, alumni, parents, and corporations who wish to have a part in this vital project are encouraged to do so . Checks should be made payable to Cedarville College : Athletic /Academic Center.