1979-1980 Cedarville College Annual Report
Christian Service The purpose of the Christian Service program is to provide spiritual ly-related growth opportunities to our students. The scope of the program ranges from the Cedarvil le Baptist Fellowship, provid– ing Sunday and m idweek services for the students on campus to the outreach ministries with emphasis on serv ing the local church. Each weekend during the school year, five gospel teams minis– tered to local churches within driving distance of Cedarville, and an additional eleven teams served churches in the Greater Miami Valley region on a regular basis. Between winter and spring quarters, over 200 students were involved in a number of evangelistic team efforts. Some ministered in programs with local church ministries whi le others participated in beach evangelism efforts in the South. Summer outreach programs included four teams working in local church ministries in the United States and five Missionary Internship (M . l .S.) teams involving 80 young people who served in the mission fie lds in Australia, the Philippines, Brazil, China, and Israel.
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