1983-1984 Cedarville College Annual Report

I am excited about Cedarville College! In the last six years we have experienced re– markable growth . During this period our enrollment has increased by over 600 stu– dents. We have added 22 new faculty positions and five majors . Also, seven con– struction projects and three major building renovations have been completed. I am also challenged by the future . We live in a day abundant with technological ad– vancements as well as economic and political uncertainties. Never before have colleges and universities been presented with such opportunity for impact in our country. I believe Cedarville College is positioned in the vanguard of Christian institutions that can help shape our nation's future. HERITAGE We have a rich heritage to draw upon, beginning with the col" lege' s Presbyterian founders who believed it was necessary to " ...train young men for the Gospel ministry ... ," and to" ... educate young men and women for missionary service at home and abroad, and for the work of laymen .... " These godly trustees chose a Christian liberal arts approach to education. Interfaced with the underpinning Word of God, this concept has long characterized what has come to be called the "Excellence Experi– ence" at Cedarville College . MisSION Cedarville College exists today because there is a need for Christian men and women equipped to meet successfully the challenges of family, career, and Christian service. To this end, our mission is to impart to our students a quality education consistent with Biblical truth. DISTINCTIVES Our.country is ~lessed with numerous institut~ons of higher educat10n. As a group, they are a pillar supporting America's present prosperity and are molding the leadership of tomorrow. I believe certain qualities mark Cedarville as distinct among this milieu. 1. The entire administration, faculty, staff, and student body profess faith in Jesus Christ and demonstrate commitment to His service. 2. The college is committed to the conviction that the Bible is the written revelation of God and the standard of faith, knowledge, and practice . 3. The content of Scripture is interwoven with subject matter, producing a truly Bibli– cally integrated approach to learning. 4. An emphasis on evangelism and discipleship is maintained in obedience to Christ's command to "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations ... " (Matthew 28: 19). 5. In harmony with the spirit of free enterprise, the college operates apart from all local, state, and federal monies for operating and capital purposes. RECORD ENROLLMENT ::~:~\;e~~~~llei~on~ controlled and responsible manner. Enrollment increased to 1793 students. On many occa– sions I have been asked by educational leaders and the media to explain our record enrollments each year in light of predicted declines among colleges. I believe the answer lies in our provid– ing the kinds of quality programs students need today . Courses are taught from a Biblical per– spective by exceptional faculty, offered at reasonable costs, and marketed aggressively. All of this is combined with daily, dynamic chapel services, Christian and community service, and a major emphasis on evangelism, discipleship, missions, and the local church .