1984-1985 Cedarville College Annual Report

A~Al.M_ .. Srude111.1· share rheirfairh rhro11gh a11 exre11sive Christian sen 1 ice program. Cedarville College 111aimai11s i111ercollegiare arhleric co111peririo11for men a11d ll'o111e11. College Objectives I . To undergird the student in the fundamentals of the Christian faith, and to stimulate him to evaluate knowledge in the light of Scriptural truth. 2 . To encourage growth in Christian character in each student, and to help the student accept his responsibility in faithful Christian service. 3. To increase the student's awareness of the world of ideas and events which are influencing our contemporary culture, and to prepare the student to knowledgeably participate in our society. 4. To enab le the student to develop sound critical and analytical reasoning. 5. To provide sufficient opportunities for students to practice the skills of communication. 6 . To offer opportunities for academic speciali zation and preparation for graduate study , and to ass ist the student in selecting and preparing for a vocation. 7. To foster the student ' s appreciation of, and participation in , wholesome avocational and cultural activities. Faculry are personally concerned with the academic, spirirual, and social de velopme111 of their srudents.