1985-1986 Cedarville College Annual Report
I "Quality service to others involves implementing what you've iearned. It involves students whose hearts motivate their hands to use their head knowledge. The warmth ofour Cedarville student body comes as they get out and share themselves with others." Rev. Haro ld Green Vice President for C h ristian M iniseries "Besides the mental and spiritual, physiral and socialgrowth are also vital. Ours is a holistic approach to student development. Therefore, extracurricular attivities are designed to develop interpersonal relationships, leadership, avocational skills, and appreciation for the arts. " Richa rd Wa lker Campus Activities D ireccor STRONG VOLUNTEERISM Recentl y, 70 coll ege pres ide n ts me t in Was hington , D.C. to di sc uss how to moti va te vo lunteerism on th e ir campu ses. At Ced arv ill e, stud e nts by th e hun d re d s have served th e area fo r 30 yea rs. In 1984-85 , th ev vo lun ta ril y par– ti cipate d in a vari e ty of community serv ices and compass io n mini stri es . T hey se rved th e loca l community th ro ug h proj ec ts suc h as "C lea n G ree ne" (County ) and "V.I.P. " (Vo luntee r In sul ati o n P rogram). N ine hundre d stu– d e nts took part in compass io n and di scipl es hip mini stri es whi ch we re direc ted to jail inmates, se ni or citize ns, hosp ita li zed indi v id uals, wavwa rd chil d ren , handi ca ppe d pe rsons, co ll ege stud e nts on oth e r campu ses, and loca l churches . O ur gos pe l teams conducted ove r 400 church serv ices and 272 oth e r stud e nts ca rri e d o ut additi o nal mini stri es . In all, 72% of o ur stu de nts vo lun– tee re d fo r C hri sti an serv ice . Nea rl y 100 stude nts pa rti cipated in the di stinc ti ve M iss ionary Inte rnship Se rvice p rogram of th e co llege. T hey se rve d in th e U .S . and 14 fore ign coun– tri es : Austra lia , Ca nad a, Co lombi a, E ngland , E qu ador, Israe l, Ita ly, Paraguay, Peopl es Republi c of C hin a, P hilippines, Sco tl and, South America, Spain , and Wes t Ge rmany. STRONG EXTRACURRICULAR EMPHASIS Stud e n ts recrea te d in th e exte nsive int ra mu ra l spo rts progra m and compete d in 13 inte rcollegiate me n's and wome n's spo rts. Ea rn e d we re one nati o nal champi onship , four di stri ct crowns, and o ne confe re nce title. In 1984-85 Cedarvill e athl e tes com pe te d in 12 na tion al to urn ame nts. T he co ll ege hos te d its third S pec ial O lympi cs in whi ch UO e nt ra nts compe ted . Fo r area handi ca ppe d pe rsons, th e eve nt d rew the loca l te lev ision , ra di o , and print me di a. Stage pe rformance fo ste re d c ultu ra l lite racy th ro ug h three d ra ma p rodu c ti o ns, stud e nt and fac ulty rec ita ls, conce rts bv th e Conce rt C hora le , O ratori o C ho ir, Sympho nic Ba nd , and Brass C ho ir. T he Arti st Se ri es b ro ught to campu s th e G regg Smith S inge rs, th e Da yto n P hilh armo ni c O rches tra , pi ani sts N ie lso n and Yo un g, and oth ers . Twe nty stud e nt organi za ti o ns in vited to tal stud e nt body in vo lve me nt in wholesome , non-aca d e mi c ac ti viti es.
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