1985-1986 Cedarville College Annual Report

Administration President ......... . Chancellor ........ . Academic Vice President Vice President for Business Vice President for Development Vice President for Student Services Vice President for Christian Ministries . ... Dr. Paul H. Dixon . Dr. James T. Jeremiah Dr. Clifford W. Johnson Mr. Kenneth H. St. Clair .. Dr. Martin E. Clark Mr. Donald W. Rickard Rev. Harold R. Green Board of Trustees Or. Eugene Apple C leveland, Ohio \ 'ice President, General Electric Company ~fr. Francis Bresson Sussex, \Yisconsin President. tvfilwaukee Servicemasrer Or. William A. Brock Columbus, Ohio Scare Representari,,e, Ohio Association of Regular Baptise Chu rches ~Ir. Gilbert Brueckner f\fenomonee Falls, \:\'isconsin Parmer, ~lilwaukee ~larble ~Ir. James B. Carraher Toledo. Ohio Attorney Or. Jack Cline Rockbridge, Ohio Professor, The Ohio Scace Unive rsiry Or. Paul Dixon Cedar«ille, Ohio President, Cedarville College ~fr. John Draxler North Rovalcon, Ohio Senior ViCe Prt:sident , The Elwe ll Parker Electric Company ~fr. George E ngelmann Burton, Michigan Plane Manager, Buick GM, Retired Rev. Larry Fetzer Oavcon, Ohio l\liiiiscer Mr. Rav Guenin i\-[emphis, Tennessee Vice President, Nylon Nee Company Or. Jack Jacobs \.Varerloo, Iowa l\linister ~Ir. Gene Miller Traverse City, Michigan President, ~filler Brothers Oil Corporation Mr. J. Dale Murphy Waterloo. Iowa Real Estate Broker and Developer Mr. George O'Bryon Eldora, Iowa Business Owner. Retired Re\'. Irvin Olson Indianapolis, Indiana Srace Represencarive, Indiana Association of Regular Baptise Churches Rev. Lynn Rogers Northfield, Ohio Minister Or. Gerald Smelser Kidron, Ohio l\1inister, Retired Or. Robert Sumner Murfreesboro, Tennessee l\ 1 linisrer, Editor Dr. Paul Tassell Hoffman Estates, Illinois National Represencacive, General Association of Regular Baptise Churches Or. Donald Tyler Brownsburg, Indiana Minister Rev. Earl Umbaugh Pore C harlotte. F lorida C hurch Executive, Reti red Or. Paul Vernier Fairborn, Ohio Physician Dr. W. Thomas Younger Walnut Creek, Californ ia Minister