1985-1986 Cedarville College Annual Report

3. To increase the student's awareness of the world of ideas and events which are influencing our contemporary culture, and to prepare the student to knowledgeably participate in our society. 4. To enable the student to develop sound critical and analytical reasoning. 5. To provide sufficient opportunities for students to practice che skills of communication . "We are particularly interested i11 the studmts beroming involved in their ron11111111ities and having interpersonal skills netessat)' to be good neighbors. ll'e wa11t them to have rite ability to negotiate ro11flirt i11 a Christian 111m1ner. They need to be responsible ritize11s who ran 1-ommunirate." Dr. James R. Phipps C hairman , Departme nt of Communication Ans "We provide the tools of analysis - !tow to thin!.', !tow to evaluate knowl– edge in the light oftruth, how) to apply rite ll'ord of Cod in a prartim/ way, and how ro make derisions wJisely." Dr. J. l\ lurrav l\ l urdoch Chairman, Department of Socia l Sciences and Hisrorc ".It Cerlrwci/le f';;e !tar/ th oppo111111iry to gel in·colt'('(/ in a <.:ariety of tttli'i.:ities t!tt1t 'ill'o1t!rlltr1·ce t'ff/llirerl more spniali– Zfltion at rt larger 11ni;.)enity... I've !tar/ the t!teoty in t!tt' dt!SS/(){)//I r111rl t!tm !tm-'f' bte11 a/J/e to prmtire it ;,: !tile 011! m111peting ·w:it!t other sr!too/s /fore11sir:r] or 'il!:hile 011 t!tt' stogt i11 , 11/orrl A11rlitori11111 I rlm111aj. " (;;try Rarker. "cn ior 7