1985-1986 Cedarville College Annual Report

8 "One ofmy concerns was that the liberal arts education I had received at Cedarville had not given me the technical ski/Is for graduate school. I found that I was well prepared to handle both the esoteric and the tech– nical aspects. !twas a good blend. The special, personal attention that my professors gave me wentfar beyondthe course material andhelped me to identify o career path ... I had one ofthe first internships from the business deportment. That internship with Greene Memorial Hospi– tal led to employment, and I've continued there smce. f\ lichael R. Stephens ('80) 1'1BA, Unive rsity of Dayton Vice President, Greene Memorial Hospira!, Xen ia, Ohio "During my freshman year I went to my first opera-I was shocked - I enjoyed it/ I've come to appreciate rite arts in general - much more titan I did in high school." /\lark Horne, se nior ". . .everything/mm lis– tening to the Dayton Philharmonir to playing donkey bosketboll. There's something/or everyone. " Richa rd Walke r D ireccor, Campus Activities 6. To offer opportunmes for academic specialization and preparation for graduate study, and to assist the student in selecting and preparing for a vocation. 7. To foster the student's appreciation of, and participation in, wholesome avocational and cultural activities.