1987-1988 Cedarville College Annual Report

We look for God's continued blessing on Cedarville as we determine not to waver from our mission. At the same time, costs were spiraling, offset only a little by a modest rise in private giving to higher educa– tion. Worse for private institutions was the fact that giving shifted to public schools. Cedarville is not immune to the danger of these economic challenges. Yet, I am confident we will weather them because of God's favor, stable enrollment, good management, and increased giving from private sources. We look for God's continued blessing on Cedarville as we determine not to waver from our mission - to offer students an education consistent with biblical truth. I believe students will continue to apply to Cedarville as they recognize that our value as an educational invest– ment is increasing more rapidly than costs. In the past seven years we have added new library, business, communication arts, and athletic facilities, as well as new programs and faculty . Task teams are currently studying new facilities for music, engineering, nursing, and student life, and expansion plans for the chapel and the science department. A new 170-bed residence hall will be completed this fall. We shall continue in our commitment to operate this institution with a professionalism that glorifies God. One donor recently told me, "I give to Cedarville because I know that every dime I give is managed well." The wisest people I know give of their funds to reinforce success, and Cedarville College has been successful because of our God's grace. Resource development will also be a continuing priority. Typically 90 percent of the cost of a Cedarville student' s education is provided through tuition, room and board. I expect the gap of about $600 per student to be bridged through prayerful solicitations and the response of individuals, churches, corporations, and foundations around the country. In our free enterprise tradition, we neither seek nor accept government funding for operating or capital projects. Next year we enter the '90's. The challenges are great for higher education. Cedarville College will be, with the Lord 's enablement, strategically positioned to meet them and to make a difference in the lives of our next generation of leaders. I hope that increasing numbers of the brightest Christian youth will make Cedarville the college of their choice. Here We shall continue in our commitment to operate this institution with a professionalism that glorifies God. they will receive outstanding academic as well as moral and ethical preparation that is uncommon and unquestionably essential to face the complex issues of our future . As a result, they will assume key roles in the enterprises that make America great - its government, businesses, educational institutions, farms, and most importantly its families and its churches. In the future great Americans will continue to make America great. Someone has said, "Cedarville is a college with a mis– sion, producing tomorrow's leaders with a mission, who will ultimately carry out the Great Commission." Together with the entire faculty and staff at Cedarville College, I am excited about investing my life in nearly 1900 splendid young people. Few investments offer greater poten– tial for longer lasting and further reaching rewards.