1987-1988 Cedarville College Annual Report

Everything done in the name ofJesus Christ should have quality stamped all over it. Students '68 '72 '76 '80 '84 '88 1,879 enrollment fall quarter 1988 Over 1,200 applications received for fall quarter 1988 Tenth consecutive record enrollment 43 states, Puerto Rico, and ten foreign countries represented in the student body Average Cedarville freshman in top 25th percentile nationally in ACT/SAT scores, high school GPA's, and class rank 4,400 Admissions guests this year, an increase of 10 percent over last year Over 11,600 total college guests Applications up 23 percent this year 120 Presidential Scholars enrolled this year (scored in top three percent nationally on SAT or ACT exams) Cedarville graduates accepted by many graduate and professional schools such as Miami University, Notre Dame Law School, The Ohio State University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Cincinnati , and University of Michigan, and the American Graduate School of Interna– tional Management Advances Under construction: William A. Brock Hall is scheduled for occupancy in September 1989. Planned to accommodate 170 men, the facility will provide an outstanding living/ learning center with well-appointed student rooms, computer access , study rooms, recreational areas, and other support services. Completely air– conditioned, the hall will serve sum– mer conferences as well. Recreational/ athletic fields lost to the construction will be replaced on adjacent undevel– oped land. Cost of the building is $3,050,000. Gifts totaling $1.5 million are needed to offset subsidy by the general operating fund. Projects currently in planning: • Expansion of the Chapel • New student center • Music facility • Expansion of Science Center to accommodate science, math– ematics, nursing, and engineering New majors in development: • Engineering (electrical, mechanical) • International Studies with concen– trations in social science, business, and missions Social Work Outreach Nearly all Cedarville students volunteer in Christian ministries. 100 teams minister in area churches, agencies, orphanages, hospitals, rest homes, jails, and schools each week. 400 churches are assisted by teams during the year. Gospel teams serve in church ministries nationwide, beach and city evangelism, and camp counseling during the summer and quarter breaks. Missionary Internship Service students minister in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, New Zealand, Niger, Peru, Philippines, and Togo. WCDR-FM, with new power increase, reaches two million potential listeners from Richmond, Indiana, to Chillicothe, from Columbus to Cincinnati. 25 faculty and staff with the college speakers bureau minister at churches, schools, camps, and conventions. 300 students and the WCDR-sponsored Project Angel Tree provided Christmas gifts to 200 children of prison inmates in southwest Ohio. Food donated at the annual Community Night filled baskets for many needy families in the Cedarville area. College family donated 220 warm coats which were dry cleaned by Capitol Dry Cleaners and placed with Goodwill Industries for distribution to needy people in the area.