1992-1993 Cedarville College Annual Report
Teams of nursing students who elected the crosscultural nursing emphasis have taken internships in Brazil, Thailand, Ivory Coast, Bangladesh, and Togo. This year, the State of Ohio validated the Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) program and granted state certification to the Special Education program. The Honors program challenges gifted students to reach their academic potential. Cedarville's largest departments are Business Administration, Education, Science and Mathematics Nursing ' ' and Social Sciences and History. The Bible minor required of all baccalaureate students, the integration of scriptural principles into all disciplines, and the liberal arts core courses help students to shape aworldview that is both broad and biblical. This worldview enhances their value in society, their careers, their homes, and their churches. CEDAQVILLE fACULTY have doubled in number under Dr. Dixon's tenure. They bring experience as well as excellent academic credentials to the classroom, and they are a teaching faculty first and foremost. Students are their reason for being at Cedarville College. In fact, the average class has only 20 students, allowing for good interaction with professors. The faculty keep current with their fields, publish, conduct research, and share their expertise with other academes. For example, Department of Nursing chair Dr. Irene Alyn has authored three nursing textbooks, geology professor John Whitmore is involved in a joint project with Russian scientists in the dating of dinosaur bones, and Dr. Wesley Baker, professor of communication arts is ' pioneering multimedia technology. During fall quarter 1993, Dr. Allen Monroe, professor of social science, and Dr. Beverly Monroe, associate professor of education, provided educational services to teachers and students in The People's Republic of China, The Republic of The Philippines, Hong Kong, and Thailand. They also met with Cedarville graduates who are teaching at People's University in Beijing and lectured to the Chinese students and faculty there. These continuing opportunities came out of a 1981 Missionary Internship Service (MIS) experience which resulted in Cedarville graduates being invited to teach English at People's University. The university officials were so pleased with the teachers that in 1986 they initiated an agreement for Cedarville to provide graduates as teachers of English on a regular basis. To date, 19 graduates have taught in China, and the work has expanded to include other Chinese institutions. CedarNet, lhe campuswide computer network, has chan8ed lhe way lhe colle8e family cocnmunicales, studies, researches, and carries on support work. In reco8nizin8 Cedarville with a national award, CAU&E stal ed , "Cedarville Colle8e's network is notable for its pervasiveness- all dorms and o ffices are connected-and its overall impact on the teachin8 and learnin8 process and man8.8ement o f lhe colle8e in a shorl period o f time. &lron8 leadership and commilmenl l o lhe use of l echnolo8Y supported an excellenl slrale8ic plannin8 process and imp lemenlalion plan." Usi08 compulers in lhe ir dorm rooms, sludents can access colle8e o ffices, lhe library holdin8s, and each olhe r, as well as a variety o f lhe lalesl soft.ware. The network provides UPI news updales, nalional wealhe r, e lectronic mail, a sludenl bulletin board, and much more. Throu8h lnle rnel, o ft.en cited as lhe be8innin8s of a 81obal information "superhi8hway," lhe colle8e family is linked l o millions of compulers in businesses and inslilulions worldwide, includin8 libraries conlainin8 over 27 million volumes. Professors require assi8nments on lhe compute r and send basic informalion over CedarNel. &ome wrile soft.ware specifically for lheir courses l o help sludents review malerial. Usin8 lhe network improves communication, nol only because of lhe ease o f usin8 e lectronic mail, bul also because class lime is freed for more facully-sludenl inleraction. &ludents 8radual e prepared l o use compulers in any field.
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