1992-1993 Cedarville College Annual Report

. - ' ' In my nursin8 clinics.ls, my patients can tell that there is somethin8 different about me and the school I come from. They know I actually care about them; it's not just my job. Cedarville Nursin8 is preparin8 me to share my testimony with my patients. Professors inte8rate biblical principles into class material. And the compassion and support I 8et from my fellow students has helped me while my parents are so far away. Cedarville is preparin8 me for my goal-to 80 to China as a missionary nurse. ' ' u:L= ~.:J~ Senior Nursing Major Taichung, Taiwan Todd Entner Junior International Studies Major Cebu City, The Philippines Many of Cedarville's Ml0 teams develop from the interests of international students. Qecent teams to the Amazon and Qomania have been led or or8anized by students from those countries. Todd Entner's missionary parents are Cedarville 8raduates and Todd hopes to return to The Philippines as a mi~ionary He has found Cedarvilles International 0tudies major an appropriate course of study A National Merit finalist. Todd was also accepted into Cedarville's ri8orous Honors Pro8ram. The Colle8e's Missionary Internship &rvice (MI0) is helpin8 him return to The Philippines for short-termservice in the summer of 1994. He is in the process of formifi8 a team to accompany him. "Tennis events will open opportunities to share the love of Christ and invite people to Bible studies and children's ministries in the churches, " Todd explains. Churches in The Philippines have been helped in similar ways by men's basketball teams which have served there fm 22 consecutive years. Dr. Don Callan, men's basketball coach, helped to found the MI0 pro8ram and led Cedarville's first MI0 team in 1970.