1997-1998 Cedarville College Annual Report

8 Christian Ministries E ach year, Cedarville students touch lives through a wide variety of ministries . God uses their spiritual gifts and talents to make~ an impact on local, national, and international levels. Community Ministries Church and Outreach Ministries C edarville students get involved in their community through a number of church and outreach ministries each school year. Church ministries may include service in AWANA, music, children's church, nursery, and Sunday School; outreach ministries encompass work in crisis pregnancy centers, inner city/urban outreach programs, open heirs evangelism, tutoring (high school, elementary, and TESL), youth guidance, correctional facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, and ministry to the mentally/physically disabled. National Ministries U.S. Traveling Teams D uring 1998, Cedarville sent six traveling teams across the nation to spread the Gospel through drama, music, and puppets. The teams ministered at 322 churches, 15 schools, and 9 camps/youth gatherings.