1997-1998 Cedarville College Annual Report

International Ministries Mission Involvement Services (MIS) E ach year, College students, faculty, and staff travel the world to spread the Good News in a variety of ways. In 1998, the College sent 247 students, faculty, and staff to Alaska, Arizona, and more than 35 countries. Since 1970, 2,870 participants have ministered in 67 countries. The Cedarville College Emergency Medical Service (CCEMS) program gave students Donnie Woodyard and Josh Tromp opportunities to gain hands-on experience with patients and high-tech medical equipment before their journey to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Donnie and Josh, who are both certified paramedics, traveled to Ethiopia last summer to teach emergency management skills at a medical school there. College photographer Scott Huck (fourth from left) and his wife, Roxy (far left) , led a team of seven students on a missions trip to Italy last summer. The team assisted missionary brothers Dave Standridge '80 in Rome, Dan Standridge '80 in Milan, and Steve Standridge '83 in Isola. During their trip, the team presented 18 puppet shows, assisted in vacation Bible schools, and spent 45 hours in construction work for the lnstituto Biblico Evangelico. "We did puppet programs weekly and had opportunities to share our testimonies about what God has done in our lives. God was faithful while we were in Italy, and He was glorified. We thank God for this opportunity we had to serve Him." Scott !tuck, Photographer for Cedarville College 9