1997-1998 Cedarville College Annual Report

he great patriarch Moses, writing in Psalm 90:12, appeals to the Lord to "Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Interestingly, this plea comes in the midst of Moses' description of Israel's national predicament arising out of their unwillingness to heed God's commands. In earlier verses, Moses writes of God's turning men back to dust, sweeping men away in the sleep of death, and consuming them in His anger. Yet, Moses is able to recognize the Lord had been the Israelites' "dwelling place throughout all generations ... from everlasting to everlasting, you are God." (Psalm 90: 1~2) We can all relate to Moses' emotions as revealed in this passage. We know that even as we seek to grow in the Christian life and to become more like Christ, we still live in a fallen world surrounded by fallen people and suffer the consequences of that reality. But, in the