2007-2008 Annual Report

As a senior philosophy and preseminary Bible major at Cedarville University, I am excited to contribute to the CBTS campaign! While it may be unusual for a current student to make a donation, I have been so blessed by Cedarville that I do not know how I could do otherwise. I have personally seen how God uses Cedarville to prepare students to influence the world for Christ — and I want to be a part of God’s work. I came to Cedarville in large part because I had seen my brother and sister grow so much in their years here, and I wanted to grow in the same ways. I could not have imagined, however, how much God would use Cedarville to shape my life. Administrators, faculty, staff, and friends have invested in me, encouraged me, and even forced me to grow. God has used these people at Cedarville to strengthen my character, teach me life and career skills, and foster a passion for His Kingdom. I truly believe I could not have asked for a better university where I could learn, grow, and serve. I am also glad I can enjoy the CBTS during my senior year! This building has already benefited the campus and has even changed the way students interact outside of the classroom. Every day I see students in the atrium studying, minglingwith each other, talkingwith professors, or having quiet time with the Lord. Who knew that something as simple as a new building could strengthen the Cedarville community so much? More importantly, I appreciate how the CBTS serves as a visible reminder of Cedarville’s unswerving commitment to the Word of God — a commitment that has been evident in every class I have taken. I greatly appreciate my professors who are deeply committed to Christ and His Word and who have challenged and encouraged me so that my faith, my relationship with Christ, and my understanding of Scripture have been strengthened as a result of my classes. As a student, I know how important gifts to Cedarville University are. Through the generosity of many people, I have been honored to receive awards such as the Alumni Honors Scholarship and the Cedarville Scholar Award. Because of this support, I will be able to graduate debt- free — and now it is my time to give back! In theend, I amgiving toCedarvillebecause I fundamentally believe in what God is doing at and through this institution. I am giving to support God’s work and to bless those who will come to Cedarville after me. G i v i ng and Rece i v i ng : A St uden t ’s St or y Mark Miller ’09 9