2011-2012 Annual Report

Scholarships are so important for students who need financial assistance to complete their college degrees. The John W. Bickett scholarship is named for the first member of the first graduating class to receive a diploma from Cedarville (1897). The award was established by the Heritage Alumni in 1982 and is given to students preparing for pastoral or missionary service. “ God has continued to bless me in my time here at Cedarville, and it is moments like this that just strike me with His wonderful provisions. I know God has used all those who have come before me to make awards like this possible. ” MARTY JELLISON ’13 Youth Ministries, Bethesda, Ohio “ It was quite encouraging to step out in faith, trust God, and see him provide for me. This scholarship is another step closer to me being able to go to seminary after I graduate. I cannot thank you enough for this gift. It is a huge confirmation of God’s provision and guidance in my life. ” KELLY CLASSEN ’13 Bible Comprehensive, Brighton, Michigan THE JOHN W. BICKETT SCHOLARSHIP The First Graduates of Cedarville College in 1897 (left to right): John Bickett became a pastor, Raymond Gorbold became a missionary to Japan, Homer McMillan became a pastor, Calvin Morton became a teacher, and John Orr became a pastor. 3