2014-2015 Cedarville University Annual Report

CU GIVE You did it again! We were given a challenge, and you rose to the occasion: If we as a University could raise $100,000 in a single day — April 7 — we would receive $50,000 for scholarships. To accomplish this mission, Cedarville held its second 24-hour social media giving challenge. Faculty, staff, alumni, and current students took to Facebook, Twitter, email, and the phone to ask family and friends to participate. Not only did we reach the goal, but you helped us far surpass the challenge! More than 600 donors gave a combined $177,401.26 ! Of the donors, 41 percent were alumni and 21 percent were current students. Thank you for being part of a very fun and exciting day. We felt your love from the cornfields of Ohio, and this day confirmed that we have some of the best alumni, parents, and donors in the world! 85.7 Friends 234 Alumni 245 Students 123 TOTAL DONORS (602) Cedarville Magazine | 29