2015-2016 Cedarville University Annual Report
2015–16 Cedarville University Advancement Report Who Gave in 2015–16? Churches, Consortia, Others $269,749 Foundations $987,789 Corporations $821,623 Alumni $1,153,714 Parents, Faculty, Staff, Students, and Friends $2,707,400 CELEBRATING GENEROSITY THAT TRANSFORMS LIVES FOR GODLY SERVICE, VOCATIONAL DISTINCTION, AND CULTURAL ENGAGEMENT Thank you to the more than 7,000 alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, and ministry partners who invested in Cedarville University last year. You sacrificially contributed nearly $6 million to provide scholarships for deserving students, fully fund the renovation and expansion of the Jeremiah Chapel, and advance Cedarville’s faculty, programs, and ministries for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. Cedarville Magazine | 33
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