2017-2018 Cedarville University Annual Report

BLESSED THROUGHYOURGENEROSITY Thank you to all who have invested in this ministry for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. In the past fiscal year, Cedarvilles extended family of alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and other ministry partners gave $4,619,541. WHOGAVE IN2017-18? • Alumni $ 1 , 194,086 9 Churches $ 136,070 • Consortia $ 93,318 Corporations $ 348 ,643 • Foundations $ 356 ,685 • Friends $ 2 , 469,111 Other $ 21,629 WIL IAMGIBSONSOCIETY A select group of donors who have chosen to make Cedarville part of their estate planning 227................................................................ Households $ 1 , 282,525 ...................................Committed in FY2018 PRESIDENT’SSOCIETYMEMBERSHIP An exclusive group of donors who commit to faithfully give $1,000+ annually to Cedarville University. 247.................................................................Households 53%.......................................................................Alumni 27%....................................................................... Parents 13%....................................................................... Friends 7%................................................................ Faculty/Staff SCHOLARSHIPSTHROUGHGENEROSITY 14...............................New Donor-Named Scholarships 12................................... New Scholarship Endowments CEDARVILLE UNIVERSITY 2018 Annual Report | 7