It’s All in Your Mind

.. @JwpJu- 1 ~ llu Jllind In my years of studying the Word of God and listening to others teach it, much has been said about the soul and the heart, but seemingly very little has been said about the mind. We have seemingly steered away from the teaching on the mind and have hid our heads in the sand, believing that if a sinner becomes converted, all of his problems will pass away. Christian counselors agree that believers do have mental problems. At least ninefy-one references in the Bible concern the mind. This does not include references to thinkin9, thou9ht and other related situations and implications connected with the mind. If you stop and think about it, three or four familiar passages will cross your mind concerning this subject. Nehemiah, who led the workers in rebuilding the wall, said, "glu fUJ'll.U had a mind fD.. UJ.iU<k." (Nehemiah 4:6). We read in other references of not being ofdoubtful mind, and being of the same mind, or of one mind. As you study this material, further references concerning the mental area of your life will come to you from the Word of God. It is possible that \Ye have missed a great spiritual blessing and much needed teaching by not considering what the Bible says about the mind. Mark 12:30, stams, "clnd tlum Jw.11 ~ iJu .£0<1lflJ lluJ, (fed UJiJh a/1 llu,t ~ and u,iJJ,_ all lluJ, 4Dlll, and wilh a11 ;, ~ and milh «ll du;, .dnnglk... ,, This same verse is found in Matthew 22:37 and in Luke 10:27. Most of us speak automatically about the love of God, the love of Christ, and our love toward Him, but do we analyze why we are doing something for the Lord? In Mark 12, Christ is talking to the Sadducees, Herodians, and Pharisees. Verse 28 says, "cbul "1tt tJ/ flu JUil,a, ttLm£, a.n.d hn.obu., luard IJum_ UfUO.IUJUJ-- bNµIJu,:..." This is a mental phrase. Listen to Isaiah: "@mu, nom, and Id. tu bNµIJu,:. m11lt flu .i!,(J(f!!'J)•••" (Isaiah 1:18). Again, that mental phrase jumps before us. The scribes and Pharisees were asking about the commandments and Christ, of course, brought the t£aching down to two. Notice the phrases in Mark 12:30, "<;//um, JuJ1 /mu. tJu .£6<1!!D llrIJ, , (j.od u,llh all llrIJ, ltau.i, and w.iJ.h all lluj,, .uml, a.n.d w.iJ.h all lluj, mind... ,, No one ever seems to preach on loving God with the mind. We talk about loving God with our hearts, about loving with our souls, and even loving with our strength, but the mind seems to slip right past us. And 1