It’s All in Your Mind

kind of peace that Christ always had. "Jlt.t;, fU/1,tt- d- g.itu, unit,. ,p,a" (John 14:27). Obedience to the Word of God is the key to peace and the key to obedience is in your mind. The disciples thought they were going to perish, but Christ had told them that they were going to the other side. That boat could have been flooded and never capsized for Christ was there and the promise of reaching the .other side was assured. Of course, the Master stopped the storm by saying, "(j )lll.ll . k m.11," but He further stated, "70Ju,, till. ,p.. JJJ- /oulul? ~ u il llud ,µ.. /uuu, ntJ- /ailh?" Christian, why are you so fearful? The mind affects the body. I quote, not knowing the source, but knowing that it was not a medical man, or psychiatrist, or modern thinker. "'Every time a man worries, he changes a portion of his nervous systEm. Sometimes the change is serious, permanent, and fatal. What wony does to the body, it also does to the spirit. Worry is the destruction ofenergy." Did you read that last line? How many times have you worried about your children to the extent that you sat down and wasted all that time until you saw them or were able to talk with them again? As believers, keeping our minds on Christ will cause us to accomplish much more work than ifwe allow our minds to worry and fret. The previous quote has a conclusion: "Worry is the ruin of serenity." That is obvious. Are you a Christian worrier? That is a paradoxl 18 I