It’s All in Your Mind

spiritual and he had to be concerned with the lust of the flesh. That's exactly what Agrippa was saying to him. But in verse twenty-five, Paul says, ";J. am HDl mad, nw-d m,./,.k ~ lm1 JIUnk. /.n-dlt iJu UUJ¥lll ol lndh and ~" The word soberness is really the word ri9ht-mindedness. As a believer in Jesus Christ, think for a moment about what Paul had said before this. Having a right mind, you will believe in the resurrection; you will believe in conversion; you will believe in missions; you will believe in witnessing. That's what Paul had preached to Agrippa. and he said, "This is right-minded preaching." The maniac of Gadara believed in those four things. When Christ touched him, he became a new creature. He had no problem about conversion; he had no problem about missions; he had no problem about witnessing because he w-ent and declared all the marvelous things that Christ had done for him. He had become a right-minded individual. You can tell a right-minded preacher. He believes in the resurrection; he believes in conversion; he believes in missions; he believes in witnessing. ";]. h#_.1RU.h IJ(Jll ~ lucdltnn7 by, llu m£llllJ_ t,/ .(µ,d, IJw1 ,µ, /lUHRf ,µ,a,. 6bdiH IL lionuJ mui/i.a, lw.hJ,, fY'llpinW£ UIWJ. ,(µJ.d., ,nlti.J,, i,_ yMU UD.JbnnJ,h obuL tu nDf eonJ"'-"llll. lt1- dtu wo¥1.d: lud tu,µ~ /Jg du. UJW.OUt(J oJ fJ,tJ./.U. mind, tJuI1 ,,µ, mLUJ P,,IJM. mlud h IJwJ. 1J,OM.., and ~"-7 and pn/.ttl, tJJil1 "' i}Dd. (]<J# d- ID.IJ ,, ~ 1/u 9Nlll gi,m>n wrw nu, lb WU1J- ntlUL llwJ. u. «mMUJ g,oa, nol. lo- lhink tJ/, himu/1. mon hi.gJ,J.y, tJum lu Oll(Jht ti,. think; 1ml. lb- t.lwtk ~---" Romans 12:1-3 Here, again, we come upon our word right-mindedness. A Christian who thinks right- mindedly will never put himself into a position in which he should not be. These verses say that a believer should think of himself, but not more highly than he ought to think of himself, and this on the basis of right-mindedness. Christians are to put themselves in the perspective of right-mindedness. In 1 Timothy 2, the word right-mindedness, often translated sober-minded, is used in regard to Christian ladies. Verse nine says, "dff. nuuutU· oluJ., tJw1 tmJ.fflllL ad.Mn llunuJna. in mDdul llfl.lllinl u,iJl,, .Juime-f,attd,tt.u mu/.~--·" Note that it says, "in like manner." That which preceded this is the subject of men and praying. Paul exhorts that men are to pray everywhere. Then, in the manner of men praying, he picks up the subject of women and their appearance and dress. He uses the word sobriety. In its original form, the word is ri9ht-mindedness. Isn't it amazing that in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Christ describes the maniac as being clothed? And the first time we have the word connected with women, it is connected with their dress. It is interesting that Christian ladies are told that they must dress by using their right minds. In other words, ladies are to think before they dress. Verse ten says that 22