It’s All in Your Mind

Titus 2:3 and 4 says, "glu, mµ.d lJJ.NIUlt lilwoh~..." The word likewise infers that what was said in the previous verse applies to the subject of the present verse. Aged women are to be right-minded, believing women. They will find this necessary if they are going to practice what Titus 2:3 says. Possibly, the reason we have a generation of Christian young ladies who do not know how to act is because we have a generation of older Christian ladies who do not act according to the Word of God. How do you get young Christian wives to love their husbands, to love their children, to obey their husbands? Paul says they are to be taught by the elder women who know what it means and who teach it because they practice it. Aged, believing women are to be right-minded, so that they may also be right in behavior, appearance, fellowship, prayer, and usefulness. And these right-minded ladies will pass this on so that young Christian ladies will also become right-minded. In verse four, we see that the aged women are to teach the young women to be sober. Young women are to be right-minded, for only right-minded Christian women will be able to live obediently to the Word of God without criticism, without jealousy, without envy. You see, everything in the believer's life starts with a right mind, based on a soul saved by grace. And right-mindedness causes believers of all ages to be able to do what God asks them to do. Basically, young women are important in regard to right-mindedness, for this is the basis on which to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet [that is the same form of the word sober]. Paul said it twice to young women. Sober is the word for riyht-mindedness. Discreetness is right-mindedness that has the ability to understand. In verse six Paul says, "¾ang, tn.t!R.. lilumi.u a/tut b,.. /u.. .w-1,u. miluhd. 11 You know, it looks like Paul had a hobby. That hobby was the soberness, the right-mindedness of the saints. Paul covered every age group-aged men, aged women, young women, young men. No one is excused. Ifyou claim the name of Christ as your Savior, you have the privilege of right-mindedness. In Titus 2:12 we read, "(ittllhl.n.tJ, ,.u IJud. <UnlJllUJ ~ an.d w.o,/JJg, ~ uu. Juw1d UM. u,./,n/g,... 11 We should live right-mindedly. Christian, what kind of a mind do you have? A wrong mind that dwells on dead things, that has no restraints or self-control, that does not like spiritual things, that leans toward fleshly lusts? Or are you right-minded, contented, clothed, thinking, praying, useful? To be spiritually minded, right-minded, is to really live. Think of the privilege we have in Christ because He has given us the "spirit. ..of a sound mind..." 24 l