It’s All in Your Mind

Romans 8 says that the spiritually minded believer has a duty to mortify the deeds of the body. How is this·possible? Read Romans 8:13 carefully. It says, "(}Juli/. lu lhlO-llfP'- llu Spi.,iL.." This includes you and the Holy Spirit. As a believer you possess the Holy Spirit. When the mind wants to lie, or a lustful thought begins to enter your mind. the Holy Spirit must be allowed to take over. You call on the Spirit for help. And the emphasis and result is, "~ JuJl ~,, The spiritually minded believer receives guidance. This may not be the best word but it is understandable. Verse fourteen says, "(lo.,. lll many, tU an wL hJJ, /Ju Stu,i1 6/. .t ;J.nd . .." The Holy Spirit is in the guidance business as well as the delivering business. It is normal for the Christian to be led by the Holy Spirit. It is part of the spiritual mind. Proverbs 16:3 says, a~ lluJ_, WMlu unlb- IJu. ./!.fYll!l) mu/. IJr.v., llwatjJrh JwJl lu t1.Jf.oJ, /i.JJ, R.J_" Paul writes to Timothy, "(lo,_ .{Jo.d luu Ml gio.nt tu flu .ip.iliL 6/ /.ttu; Ind ol pcmu., and t,/ ~ and o/ a I.IJ.llH.d mind" (I Timothy 1:7). As a believer you have a mind, a mind that God uses. You have a mind that the Holy Spirit desires to control. But if your mind is controlled by fornication. and lasciviousness. covetousness and lying. these elements will take over. As we follow the Spirit's leading, we realize and prove that we are the sons of God. The spiritual mind lives in harmony. How do I know that I am a Christian? Well I come to Christ on the basis of the Word of God. But, as Paul wrote in Romans 8:16, "g/u Jpi,iJ. i1ulJ. hllIJldh wil.11.1!,u wii.h tJ.tu 'IU'i1 IJud UJ.t. llll llu elti/d,un_ o/,-IJ,od.,, This verse does not mean that the Spirit bears witness to our spirit, but that He is with our spirit. There is harmony that indwells me and assures me that I am following the Spirit's direction. Doubts come when the spiritual mind is laid aside. Also note that the harmony of the mind of the believer comes at the end of the list or the test of the spiritual mind. As each one is met, realized and practiced, the resultant harmony will be there. This is not pride. This is what the Bible says. Here is the test of the spiritual mind, the challenge to the believer: • He minds the things of the Spirit. • He really lives. • He is at peace. • He agrees with God. • He is obedient to God and His Word. • He is concerned with his conduct. • He mortifies the deeds of the body with the Spirit. • He has guidance. • He has harmony. 36