It’s All in Your Mind

Romans 12:-4,5 seem to speak to the fellowship of believers at Rome. Again I say that this seems out of context. How does the Body of Christ fit with the renewed mind? Is it possible that gifts and the renewed mind are connected? Paul lists seven spiritual gifts in these verses. He begins by saying, "~ IJwt g1./h di/lni.ntJ attJ'J¥d.uuj. m /Ju (J¥l1tt dud u IJUH.lf . l.t,. W-" Again we have nothing to do with it. The Bible never allows Christians to seek a gift they might desire. In fact, I rather believe these seven listed gifts are those that Christ wanted us to realize and to look for in our transfonned lives. There is not a born again believer who will not find that he possesses one or two of these gifts. And because he has a renewed mind, he will know what gift he has and humbly admit and use it. Review these seven gifts. Which one or ones do you have? The first gift listed is that of prophecy. This probably refers to the gift of preaching. The word is used in 1 Corinthians 15:l as preaching. I believe this gift has to· do with speaking the inspired truth contained in the Word of God. Again, connected with the gift of prophecy is the phrase~"~ Lt,. the~ oJ /o.iJ.k." Whether this phrase is meant to be attached to all seven gifts I am not sure, bu.t I believe we have the right to consider the gifts in the light of faith that is received because of the transformation and the renewed mind. Some commentators say that the phrase,"~ lb du~ o/ /ail.h" means that a preacher who is full of faith will be better in his preaching. The proportion of faith that a preacher has will be seen in and through his giving of the Word of God. The second possibility or comment for the phrase is that the preacher will not preach anything that he does not believe or practice by conviction. I like that. What he preaches is always in harmony with his belief and his life. The second gift listed is ministry. This is the gift of service. (It would include the office ofdeacon.) The third gift listed is teaching. Certainly this includes all that teach God's Word. I wonder how many Sunday school teachers today consider and know that they have the gift of teaching. Possibly we work backwards. We seem to try to make teachers. If believers would practice Romans 12:1,2 and let the Holy Spirit work through their minds, however, He would reveal whether or not they are to be teachers. Most of the time we ask or beg people to teach because we are desperate for teachers or, possibly, people just like us to beg them. But believers with this gift should volunteer to use their gift and then the Lord's work would be in harmony. That is the purpose of the renewed mind. The fourth gift is eKhortation. Paul seems to say by the Holy Spirit that there is a gift of exhortation. This gift may be combined with teaching and preaching, but at the same time it may a necessary or different approach to the Word of God. There are no controversies with these gifts. However, many will say, "So far the Holy Spirit hasn't shown me my gift." Well, go further. The fifth gift is giving. "";b. dud, ht. him do. i1 uul1t mn.p./.iLi.h,J." Did you know that giving is a gift? I have never heard anyone ask for this gift. No, our asking for material things is usually for our own accumulation. Did you realize that giving was a gift of a consecrated Christian who has been transformed in His mind by the Holy Spirit? This gift is designated as "with simplicity." That means, "without making a parade of it." 44