It’s All in Your Mind

Verse eleven begins, ",R.t,t J.btJ,JuL in "'" In verse eight the word business is translated dili9ence. We are not to be lazy in our endeavors. What does the verse say? A Christian who has given his body as a living sacrifice to the Holy Spirit, who is going to have his mind changed, cannot be lazy in anything. If he is, he is not a dedicated Christian. A dedicated, right-minded Christian, will always put forth every effort. The Holy Spirit is energetic; therefore He makes energetic Christians. Verse eleven continues, "/noml In ,pucil_" Whether this ties to business diligence, we do not know. If so, it means, "Be enthusiastic." Fervency is enthusiasm. The Holy Spirit makes you enthused. Most human beings are lazy and many Christians have fallen into this philosophy of the world, which is against God, His word, and the work of the Holy Spirit. Paul adds, "IHIJ.UIIJ IJu ..l!o.,d;'' in verse eleven. Human nature says, "Serve self; serve for what you can get." No, the changed Christian is to be serving the Lord. Christians do not serve men, they serve God. Verse twelve says, "~ ur. lwp1_." The apostle Paul may either be speaking of our faith and trust or the hope of the return of Jesus Christ. Hope is trust, faith, e)(pectation. Do you rejoice as you look ahead? Paul writes in Philippians 4:4, "~ In 11,.,_ ..i!n,d a/.wm,J,,· an.d lllJQin, ;J. llUJ,, ~." Also in verse twelve, "po.tiotl in~" Tribulations will come. God will not always spare us the trials of life, but the renewed mind produces patience. As read in Hebrews 10:36, "(Iµ. ,u,,11d, oJ p.olhntt...." Paul reminds in verse twelve that we should be continuing, "lnsltud In p.,arµ,." This means always ready to pray; having the habit of prayer; spiritually prepared and in fellowship so prayer is available at a moment's notice and need. Verse thirteen says, "dubiJmJ , w. l1t1. n,n.ulllJ, n/ lJu" The renewed mind produces charity and awareness of needs, especially the needs of other Christians. The Holy Spirit will make us keen to the needs of others and we will willingly help with those needs. Verse thirteen continues, "~ lb Juupiia/JJ,,J,." The phrase actually says, pursuin9 hospitality. When is the last time you entertained another Christian? Hospitality is the result and proof af a renewed mind produced by a Christian who is a living sacrifice. Verse fourteen. "(Bh.u. llunt ,oJ,JJ,_ flDJllll.U IJiJIL: Ida,,, and w.,u n.iL" You will be criticized. You will be maligned. You will be persecuted. Yes, and by other Christians for you realize that a great deal of criticism of Christian conduct comes from those who claim the name of Christ who are not yielded to the Holy Spirit. Don't criticize back. This subject is covered in detail in verses 17 to 21. We are told to, "IJ.nA., and w.n.t; n.ol. . " 46