It’s All in Your Mind

] J ] Verse fifteen tells us to be sympathetic. We are quite good with weeping with those who weep, but many times we find it difficult to rejoice with those who rejoice. All but the consecrated Christian become envious of those who are happy. We have mentioned verse sixteen before, but notice the last phrase. Paul ends verse sixteen the same way he started verse three. He told us to have a right opinion of ourselves. Here he says, u.<Jh. n.tJl mlu iJt fJ,tJ.tU- ou,.,i etJ.nttil,,,." You know the right estimate of yourself. The Holy Spirit reveals this to you as part of His transforming process. So, you see, Romans 12 gives us the formula for a changed mind and then the proofs and the results that verify this change. Christians give their bodies as a living sacrifice. Then, because of the flesh, they often take them back. This stops the process until we again give or present our bodies back to the Holy Spirit for His control. The Holy Spirit continually produces the transformation and the result is a right thinking, biblically conducted Christian life. 47