It’s All in Your Mind
desired the coming of Christ during their life times so they might participate in that great blessing. Verse twelve says, ~(llnJA tnho.m, i1 W-tU. ~ IJwi nbl. unbJ. lhmu.Jn.u, bu1 WW,. Ill DmJ, did IIIUUJiu. flu lhi.,up,, wJuJ,_ till «om ,qwm.d unllJ. tpJa hlJ, IJum_ IJud h.11/M, p,ntU/ud tJu fJ-0-dlUl un1LJ. rp,a lOiJh tJu 711581.g, (jJw.u. uni d.ouu,_ /,,Mn ~- LDltidt du tut.lJR.U d.uin lJJ. "'8k i.nlo.." There was a wee bit of human jealousy on the part of the prophets that they could not participate. You and I have a unique privilege of being saved by grace on the basis of what Christ has done. knowing that He is coming again. Some time and some place we must realize the privilege we have. You can say that you would have liked to have been a prophet. If a prophet were alive today and could accept Christ as Savior, he would rejoice more than in the fact that God chose him to be a prophet. inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the Word of God. But not only the prophets. A single line in verse bvelve says, "wlri.dt ilum;µ tJu. tut.lJR.U IUUll lJJ. lbMl iJdb..." Angels are a little jealous that they cannot be saved. Christ did not die for angels for there is no recourse for fallen angels. Angels eKamined the Word of God at some time to see if the revelation included them. We are now to 1 Peter 1:13 and the wherefore. Because salvation wasn't for the prophets or angels, but it was for you and me. Peter now lays the command before us, "wherefore, because you have a unique position." Christian, don't become flamboyant or brash. But be very thankful that you are in the age of grace. Peter lists a number of eJthortations, "gi,d up. [bind up, girdle] /he lohu o/. (PJI.U muul." This phrase means to take the loose clothing that would hinder you from running and bind (or belt) them so they will no longer be loose. The phrase today would be, "Don't let it all hang out." God never said this about your mind. Because you are a Christian, a unique person and in a unique place at this time, your mind is to be bound. The word is similarly found in Ephesians 6:14, "f}i,:l abmd uulh lndlt." Here is that which binds you. The word loins is interesting. It is used of John the Baptist in the sense that his loins were girded about with leather. He wore leather clothing. In Luke 12:35 we read, ".J!n. ,p,a,- louu ~ (J,iRlnL o.btm1, mu1. ,,µ,u.,,. ll.tJ,Jw. bam.i.n.g,." This again shows preparation to do something. It is not loose clothing for everyday activity, not loose clothing that makes you relaKed, not loose clothing that might hinder you in activity such as running, but the picture is to get yourself bound up and your light buming. The word is also used regarding David and his offspring; that which came out of his loins. Here the word has a moral connotation. In fact, one of the definitions in the dictionary describes or defines loins as synonymous with the part of the body that reproduces; it is to be covered. When you refer to the loins of your mind being girded. it has to do with morality. When it comes to morals (physical and seKual things), a believer·has a unique position in the age of grace. He is to have a pure mind and morality. Peter says that Christians have a unique position in their salvation. They are a chosen, peculiar. treasured people, different from prophets or angels. Peter says, "Start binding your mind." Who is supposed to do this binding? Again, believers are\ If God says to 64 r
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