It’s All in Your Mind
three gifts or a threefold gift is of no matter. I believe Paul is saying that Timothy is to keep a balanced life. If there is a threefold gift, then Timothy is to stir up all of them and if there are three gifts, he still must stir up. The implication is that he might not stir them up. There is a possible further thought in the three gifts and that is that they are progressive. To stir up is really to revive. It is amazing to me that many of the passages of God's Word that speak about revival have nothing to do with God, but everything to do with the believer. If you are interested in spiritual revival, it is possible because you have the Holy Spirit. Timothy had this gift, but he was not using it, or at least not to capacity, and Paul says, '' You must." Now Paul tells us what the gift is not. a(Jo,. .{j_nd ludlt. n.ol fJ,LIJl'n Ill du JfH¥U d-/- 1,ta,-... " The key word is the word spirit It could just as well be capitalized, and we would instantly identify that the spirit is the Holy Spirit. The Spirit Who has been given to Timothy and to us is not the spirit of fear (cowardness or timidity). This word means the opposite of faith. The thought is illustrated in Mark 4:35, "70/un wmln.iJ W-lU eome, flu ~d, '..ll.d. UL p.o.,u on.u- unhJ. tJu olJr.n .lid£.'" Here is proof of what was going to take place. The Lord said eMactly what was going to happen. The entire context following speaks entirely of the fear of the disciples, and the fact that they did not eKpect to make it to the other side. Christ made the invitation and the statement, and when He did that, it was always true. The storm arose and Christ slept. He told His disciples that they were going to the other side. But, the storm came, and they lost their faith. Christ has said, "'10~ l,.J.w,dlt in.~ Jw./1 ntJJU- flt.N.JH ." If we believe the Bible, then, no matter what storm comes, the fact that we will not perish must be true. Christ said, "We are going to the other side, no matter what happens." In verse 39, we see that Christ arose, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "</)ea.a,, b"--11i/1." And then He said to His disciples, "Why are you such cowards? Why are you so fearful?" God has not given the spirit of fearfulness, not even when the sea rolls, not even when the wind blows. Christ has even defined what fearfulness is. He says, ""Jt5om u ii that,µ. luwe no. /oilh?" Faith in what? Faith in what Christ has said; "We are going to the other side." "fj.o.d hath IUJl (JilJ.ffl, ta tJu a.,u,il. o/. ~" He has given us the Spirit which is either threefold or three gifts. Why a·re we so fearful? There are many biblical facts and promises given to believers, but we still will not trust Him. The disciples, showing no faith, were still with Christ. It is possible to be with Christ, to have Christ with us, to have no faith, and still be under His care. ".,£a not (1.1)-llJl ltean ~ ~" Christ said in John 14:10. Don't' let your heart be fearful. The word fearful is the word for anxiety or apprehension, and is the direct opposite of faith. Paul is reminding Timothy that he has received the spirit which is the opposite of fear. The spirit is based on these thoughts: power, love, intellect. They will need constant stirring up. We are concerned about the last phrase, but the first two phrases are also important and possibly progressive. We have been given the spirit of power. No one argues or debates the power of the Holy Spirit, although it is easy to become unbalanced. There are many today who are 78
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