It’s All in Your Mind

Not another book on the mind! This past decade there have been literally dozens of books from the Christian view on depression, mental aruc:ieties, positive thinking and the like. Most, if not all of these, have provided practical help for the emotional problems that seem to be running rampant in our day, even among believers. This book is not meant to be an 01Atside source looking in, but a look at the Word of God and what it has to say about our minds. As all studies in the Bible, it is inexhaustible. The original lessons were given in the Sunday evening services of the Maranatha Baptist Church of Columbus, Ohio. A number of the lessons have been given in Bible conferences. The original lessons were recorded and hundreds of these unedited tapes have been sent around the world. Missionaries have listened to some of the recordings and have pleaded to hear more. Of course, to have a Bible conference and present all the lessons would be impossible. Many have urged that the lessons be put in writing; so the encouragement for this book. To grasp and to practice all the biblical exhortations simultaneously is almost impossible. It might be better to study one chapter in depth and slowly put it into practice before proceeding to the next one. Someone has said. "Believers have converted hearts and souls, but what is really needed in a practical, everyday sense is a converted mind." It is hard to believe that our hearts and souls can be right with God and our minds so out of tune. But as you study, you will find that from a practical standpoint, this is true with each ofus who knows Christ. May the Word of God challenge us so that we will yield our minds to Christ and the Holy Spirit and know the promises attached to such obedience. 1980