The Executive Committee of the Baptist Bible Institute of Cleveland in 1952: Allan Lewis, President, Leonard Webster, Dean, John Bennett, Registrar, George Milner, Chairman of the Board. These men were instrumental in engineering the many details of Baptist Bible Institute's move to Cedarville College. Jeremiah had become aware of B.B.I. while serving as pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Toledo. In 1949 he left Toledo to become the pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio. By this time his leadership role in the G.A.R.B.C. was reflected in his membership on the Council of Fourteen, the body elected to direct the national fellowship. At the same time he served on the Council of Ten, which led the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. This kept him abreast of the new school's activities. Though he was already a member of the Baptist Mid-Missions Board and the Executive Committee of the Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions, when B.B.I. invited him to join their Board of Trustees in 1952, he quickly accepted. He had a tremendous burden for education throughout his ministry. Now, the question raised by his deacon focused Jeremiah's mind on the tremendous needs faced by B.B.I. "Due to war conditions, long working hours and the general confusion of the times, the first four years of the institute's life were fraught with difficulties."7 The creation of the day school in September 1946 added a significant number of new problems. The Hough Avenue Baptist Church Educational Plant provided all the space needed for classrooms, offices, and library, but with the influx of day school students from out of state, the young school needed dormitories. The only dormitory available was a large, aged mansion in the Western Reserve area of east Cleveland. According to Gerald Smelser, "The boys were on the third floor and the girls were on the second floor and the dining facilities were on the first floor. Well this, of course, was not the greatest idea in the world, so there Chapter 1/9