Students set up a relief center following the Xenia tornado, helping to provide clothing for many who lost their homes in the storm. County, it was the Cedarville College Disaster Team that helped provide food, clothing, and shelter for the victims. In 1971 they worked in shifts over a period of three days at a fire that destroyed a large section of the business district in Piqua. A few weeks later they worked in shifts for two days and nights helping students who took bad trips on narcot– ics during a rock festival at another nearby university.2 The Red Cross was so impressed with the contributions of the Cedarville College Disaster Team that they replaced their makeshift ambulance with a gleaming new 1971 Ford van laden with equip– ment and supplies that the student volunteers need in their rescue work. They have also con– verted a big trailer truck into an emergency shelter. It's equipped with 300 cots, blankets and food rations. 3 This was the first time in the history of the Red Cross that equipment had been assigned to a group on a college campus. The Dayton area chapter of the national Red Cross used the Cedarville College group as a prototype college disaster team in attempting to encourage students on other campuses to move in the same direction. In the same period, men's and women's athletics began to make their mark throughout the state. The athletic picture in the early '60s was, as one area newspaper described it, "a one-man show." Don Callan "shouldered, along with athletic director duties, the coaching robes of four sports."4 The Springfield News-Sun went on to describe the history of sports at Cedarville in these terms: If a sports poll had been taken at Cedarville College in the early 196Os, everybody would have recognized the names Ruth and Aaron. They were biblical characters ... of course. But if this small Baptist school 15 miles south of Springfield on Route 72 was not sports-con– scious 15 years ago it has made up for lost time with a growing emphasis on athletics since. By 1974 Cedarville College has developed one of the best NAJA sports programs in the state, The College's Red Cross van, the first to be given to a college or university, and manned by students, was on the scene in Xenia following the tornado. 140/Chapter XVII