Committee would take place in late January or early February. The second meeting took place at the Holiday Inn South in Springfield. In this meeting Dixon made a one-and-one-half– hour presentation to the Board of Trustees, outlining how he would approach the presidency of Cedarville College. The committeemen were tremendously impressed: He walked in to meet with us and opened up his famous little notebook and began to give a great dissertation on objectives for the spiritual, the academic, social and whatever aspect of col– lege life one might think. He had pages of care– fully designed notes. This impressed the men to no end. Here was an individual who knew what he was going to do and would direct the college accordingly? The committee told Dixon they wanted to present his name to the Board as the candidate for president on March 31. Now Paul and Pat Dixon had to face the reality of a change in ministry. Dixon conducted his first evangelistic meeting at the age of 18, and remained committed to evangelism. He and his wife discussed the implications of leaving this field to be a college president. They decided his evangelistic emphasis would fit into the college community. The main thing in coming to Cedarville Col– lege was that God would have the opportunity to multiply whatever He had given me in the lives of college young people. Pat and I claimed Acts 13:36: "For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell (asleep) ... " We decided to allow my name to go before the Board of Trustees on the basis that there was no better way to serve our generation than through this ministry at Cedarville College. 8 In 1978, CZ, a campus spirit organization, brought "The Rock" to campus, reviving a tradition From the 1950'5. The Rock has been an outlet For many to express themselves to others on campus. Its face oFten changes more than once a night. Chapter XVIIl/149
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