The History and Operation of Cedarville College

31 7. Christian Service. Personal soul-winning, tract distribution, house -to-house visitation, Sunday School classes, Bible clubs, Gospel teams 1 and services in hospitals, churches, missions, and jails pro– vide practical experience in Christian service. A faculty member appointed to the task by the President, is in charge of the department of Christian Service. A weekly repoTt is required of all students and permanent records are kept. 8. Social. The fall reception for new students, the all-school picnic, and other social events under the direction of the social com– mittee provide wholesome fellowship for the students, in addition, there are two semi-formal dinners during the school year, 9. Year-Book. A year-book is published for the benefit of the college. The Junior Class has the task of editing, publishing and dis– tributing it. The faculty advisor, appointed by the President, super– vises this annual student project. 10. The Student Lounge. Provision for the social and recreational needs of the students has been made by the creation of the Student Lounge which is located on the first floor of the new building. Light lunches, ice-cream and candy are served throughout the day and even– ing, not only to the students of Cedarville College but to the students of Cedarville High School, who frequently visit the snack-bar. 11. Student Aid. A Student Aid Fund has been created to help needy students. On occasion, small amounts of money are given to students who face financial problems. In most cases, however, the money is