The History and Operation of Cedarville College

33 acts as the college physician, All students are required to carry Blue Cross Hospitalization through the school unless they are covered with hospitalization with their parents or at their place of employment, in which event they must sign a waiver agreement with the school. This covers the student du:ring the summer months while away from school and is thus twelve-months coverage. 14. Student Government. The Student Council is elected by the students themselves after the candidates have been approved by the faculty. Representatives of the four classes and of the various func– tional groups of the student body are the members of the Council. Their primary purpose is to advance the welfare of the college by interpreting the actions of the faculty to the students and by informing the faculty of the needs and aspirations of the students. The Student Council is also represented on the Discipline Commit– tee which is composed of the Dean of Students, two students, and three members of the faculty. With the approval of the faculty, the Student Council has organized and activated a plan by which the affairs, particularly pertinent to the welfare of each sex, by subsidiary organizations, one for the men and the other for the women, are governed. 15. Records. A record of each student is started when the application is received, At this time the registrar's secretary pre– pares a folder for the student which includes the application form, health certificate, high school or previous college record, character reference from his pastor, and a statement from the student