The History and Operation of Cedarville College

35 Scripture, both prophetic and practical, that the student may be an effective witness for Christ regardless of the vocation which he may be led to pursue. It also seeks to lay a good foundation for graduate study in the fields of Bible and Theology. Although the pre-ministerial student is often counselled to take his liberal arts training in the field of history, science or education, due to the repetition of courses which may be offered in the seminary when he seeks to earn the B. D. degree. b) Division of Education and Psychology. This division seeks to assist in the training of students who wish to teach in public or private s choolS and to aid in the adjustment of students to every-day life through the understanding of human behavior. By arrangement with Central State College, students desiring certification for public school teaching may follow a joint program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Educa– tion from Central State College, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Cedarville College. Competent students may complete this program in four years while living on the Cedarville campus. c) Division of Health and Physical Education. This division offers activity courses, health education, physical education and recreation, It seeks to provide a program of physical development and education in the fundamentals of organized play, a sense of good sportsmanship in the full development of wholesome and effective Christian character, a course of study designed to aid thof3e looking forward to teaching physical education or coaching athletics in public schools and colleges. The Theory courses along with the practical experience are designed to prepare students to teach physical education in school, to