The History and Operation of Cedarville College

37 minded music student and music courses on an elective basis for any student to supply churches with dedicated men and women trained to serve God as church music-directorsj and to provide the necessary ground work and music courses to equip students to pursue graduate work in music education. f) Division of Science. In the Division of Science, general science, biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics are taught. This division aims to acquaint the student with the field and to give him tools of science and mathematics that help make him proficient in clear and orderly thinking as well as to cause him to appreciate the facts of the physical and natural sciences, Without these facts it is impossible for a person to enjoy a complete Christian view of the world in which we live. g) Division of Social Science. History, sociology I geography I political science, and business administration are included in the Division of Social Science. In this Division the college seeks to pres– ent to the student the origin and development of ideas in institutions, to aid the student in gaining a better perspective of the facts of history, the functions of government, the complexity of economics, and the nature of society. This Division also seeks to acquaint the student with a practical appreciation of the :methods and tools of original research projects, to provide the student with an opportunity to formu– late and express the results of the investigation and study, and finally, to lead the student to see the plan of God through the centuries by