A Look Into the Past

26 A MIRACLE BEGINS James T. Jeremiah's leadership of Ce- darville College can be characterized in two words: faithful stewardship. Under his guidance rhe school has realized the po- tential that Jeremiah saw in 1953 when he first investigated the possibilities of merging the resources of Cleaveland's Baptist Bible Institute with the physical plant of a then ailing Cedarville College. Jeremiah's efforts to persuade the B.B.I. 'trustees toward merger led to meetings with the Presbyterian trustees. Both groups agreed that the mission of Cedarville Col- lege must focus on training young people for many professions, so that every seg- ment of society might have o beacon to stand, as rhe school motto stared, "for the Word of God and rhe testimony of Jesus Christ." The merger complete, both Dr. and Mrs. Jeremiah began to invest the talents that God had given them in rhe school while Jeremiah continued as a full rime pastor in Dayton, Ohio. At rhe start of Jeremiah's involvement with Cedarville, his raw materials consisted James T. Jeremiah, 7th President (1953-1978) History