A Look Into the Past

2+ of only six buildings: Old Main, the Science Building, The Carnegie Library, Alford Audi- torium, Bethel and Harriman dorms, and some remodeled Army barracks, o gift from Uncle Sam. Dr. Jeremiah, by now working full time as President of the col- lege, took these meager ingredients, add- ed hours of work and prayer, and pro- duced a result best characterized by The Miracle, rhe title that students of that era chose for their yearbook. During these times of limited resources, the Jeremiahs wore all hats. Besides serving as president, Dr. Jeremiah taught a number of classes on campus; Mrs. Jeremiah served as the college printer. One by one,however,the talents multi- plied under the young president's faithful stewardship. Basketball was instituted as the first intercollegiate sport, and Fall Quar- ter 1953 saw a student population of 103, and a faculty, including Dr. Jeremiah, of nine. The college continued in its growth spurt until the college's 10th anniversary which recorded a burgeoning student body of 501 and a faculty of 33. History 27