A Look Into the Past

Y aw./ -9faan, me4 y- e mud, .9 _9, ad roia/ncellolc r elaxwa roar ....cro(e tete neilcon ainsine.axalion will le comifieleal Yeitienhte- 13, 1978. on era. The Dixon era at Cedarville College can be accurately termed pulsing by its very nature. Steady, fast paced and constant, rhe life's blood of Dixon's work at Cedar- ville College flows nor only with his person- al ambition and visions for the College's potential but also from maintaining mo- menrum with his determination and drive to realize his goals. Since his assumption of rhe presidency in 1978, Dixon has surround- ed himself with a diligent and supportive administrative staff to aid in achieving measurable standards of growth for Ce- darville College. Indeed, the measurable standards of growth effected by Dixon and his staff appear quite impressive. Although confronting a decline in the market of high- er education due to a lock of college age, college bound, liberal arts students, enroll- ment at Cedarville College has climbed steadily from 1178 students in 1978 to ap- proximately over 1800 students in 1986-87, revealing the concentrated efforts of Dix- History 31